The Outdoor Washing, Air Purifying and Surface Cleaning solutions are able to purify any environment and to create a clean and salubrious microclimate.

With an attentive mind toward the issues of health and the environment, Idrobase Group has been able to give prominence, within its company philosophy, to the modern concept of Clean Breathing: through the solutions of Outdoor Washing, Air Purifying Indoor and Surface Cleaning it is possible to recreate a healthy environment, also free from pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and parasites.
Clean Breathing means being able to count on a microclimate in which the air is purified and the surfaces are decontaminated by limiting or completely 

excluding the use of chemicals, protecting both people and the ecosystem from risks and pollution.

Idrobase’s offer combines the focus on safety with the application benefits of its wealth of technological resources: from dust suppression – such as PM2.5 and PM10 – to cooling, odour suppression, humidification and decontamination of surfaces.

Do you want to know more about the ecosystem of solutions offered by Idrobase Group?

A day in Idrobase Group
Together towards a better world